NFA Firearms

Check our site for tons of NFA Information!
What are NFA firearms?
NFA firearms include short barreled rifles, machinesguns, and suppressors.Purchasing an NFA Firearm:
We're not going to try and reinvent the wheel explaining the paperwork required for NFA items. There is an excellent Youtube video on the entire process. PittsburghFFL is glad to assist anyone with questions on how to do this from start to finish.What is the Process:
A typical scenario consists of a telephone consultation with us in which we'll figure out exactly what you plan to purchase (suppressor, short barreled rifle, or machinegun), where you plan on purchasing it from, and what the qualifications are for ownership. We'll explain to you how to get your paperwork and submit it to us so that we can sign off on it and forward it to the ATF.To initiate this consultation, please send us a message using our Contact Form with as much information as possible about the item you wish to purchase as well as a good telephone number and time to reach you.
NFA Transfers may seem time consuming, laborious, and confusing. They are! PittsburghFFL can help make the process simpler and in layman's terms! Please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.
What will it cost?
NFA Transfers cost $50 / item. They are FREE if you've purchased the item from us!Additional NFA Resources
ATF NFA HandbookPurchasing a Suppressor
More Suppressor Info
What is an NFA Trust Website